Validation Engineer

Validation Engineer

Validation Engineer

The updated DIN EN 50126:2018 standard has emphasized the importance of validation more strongly. The current requirements of the standard are named in this training and assigned to concrete actions. It is deliberately refrained from “reading” exclusively from the standard, but necessary documents and procedures are named.

What do I need for validation? and – What do I need to deliver to complete a successful validation?

This module concludes with an examination.

Validation Engineer

Validation Engineer – Professional overview of all safety aspects

Verification activities in the context of validation are highlighted. In addition, the interfaces to functional safety and the understanding of roles are sharpened. The door model of a local transport vehicle with a Selectron safety computer is available in the laboratory to put what has been learned into practice.


Goals of validation
Clarification of terms
Roles in the validation environment
Learn to read and understand safety aspects
Hazardlog and security functions
Develop strategies to save time, resources and costs without weakening necessary statements
Validation plan
Validation on the door model in the laboratory
Validation report
Target statements
Validation Manager

For whom:

Ideal for prospective validators, testers, and safety personnel who already have prior knowledge of each engineering area and need to master the day-to-day handling of safety-related testing and methodologies.


5 days – to the Validation Engineer


Dennis Thiel

Total cost:

EUR 3.850,- excl. VAT
(EUR 4.582,- incl. VAT)

Training costs: EUR 2,530 (plus VAT) and campus flat rate: EUR 1,320 (plus VAT)


Four nights in a unique atmosphere incl. Breakfast
Catering during the training incl. Lunch and soft drinks
Networking in our lounge
At a possibly common learning evening incl. Dinner and soft drinks.
Supervision by the training manager during the learning evenings


18.11.2024 – 22.11.2024
Gut Bielenberg

And of course by appointment.


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