Rail Safety Engineer

Rail Safety Engineer

Your certification as a Rail Safety Engineer

An additional qualification for engineers has been created in a collaboration between TÜV Nord and the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences: Rail Safety Engineer. As a certified Rail Safety Engineer, you will have a decisive impact on the safety and functionality of rail and tram networks in a European rail vehicle context.

You are an expert in assessment and approval processes. You have a detailed knowledge of all the relevant laws, guidelines and regulations, and understand how to apply them. In a world in which safety requirements are becoming increasingly important, vehicle-specific standards, risk minimisation and safety case development will be part of your everyday tasks following your successful qualification as a Rail Safety Engineer.

FH Aachen
University of Applied Sciences


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RSC Modules 1 to 5

Higher standards in all areas of safety

The standards for reliability and safety of railway installations are becoming increasingly stringent in the global market. The CENELEC EN 50126 (IEC 62278), EN 50128 (IEC 62279), EN 50129 (IEC 62425) and EN 50159 safety standards call on companies to ensure that the personnel responsible for functional safety within their company possess a sufficient level of specialist expertise and the requisite qualifications. In the rail engineering sector, the job market urgently needs qualified people who can substantiate their competence and professionalism with pertinent qualifications.

The Rail Safety Campus offers all rail industry professionals a platform for discourse about

safety-relevant topics. Moreover, the Rail Safety Engineer training programme teaches the necessary specialist knowledge of rail standards for functional safety. This modular training programme combines theoretical principles of standard contents, methods and technologies with application examples from real practice. The training modules can be booked individually or as a complete package. Once participants have completed all the modules and passed the requisite final examinations, they will receive their official certification as a Rail Safety Engineer.

The Rail Safety Engineer training programme teaches participants core aspects of functional safety

in the rail sector, and provides an overview of standards and other relevant sets of guidelines. A particular focus is placed on the legal aspects of regulatory approval. The programme teaches participants how to plan and manage development projects while taking standards and other provisions into account, as well as how to apply these provisions in their role in the development process.

Finally, every participant who qualifies with a personal certificate as a Rail Safety Engineer holds a recognised and transparent qualification that demonstrates they have the necessary specialist expertise and abilities in the field of functional safety.

Reaching your goal with safety

Certification as Rail Safety Engineer in accordance with
EN 50126 | EN 50129 | EN 50128

The Rail Safety Engineer training programme comprises five sequential modules that can be booked individually or as a complete package. Please use this application form or this PDF to register.

Basics Schulung

Principles of rail transport and
basics of railway engineering

Duration: 3 days
Prof. Dr. Raphael Pfaff

Schulung - Homologation

Conditions in Germany and Europe – assessment and regulatory approval process in Germany

Duration: 2 days
Lars Lange

Standards Normen

Vehicle-specific standards

Duration: 5 days
Steffen Mattern
Lars Lange

Measures & Techniques

Consolidation of methods and measures in the context of EN 50129

Duration: 5 days
Steffen Mattern
Lars Lange


Practical applications – Your way to the safety case

Duration: 5 days
Lars Lange
Alexander Milosavljević

Total price when booking all trainings at
Rail Safety Engineer

(without re-certification)
EUR 13,530 excl. VAT
EUR 16,101 (incl. VAT)
You save EUR 1,870 compared to booking the individual training courses separately. Upon participation and passing the included exams, the Rail Safety Engineer certificate is obtained.

The total price includes the training costs of EUR 8,250 (plus VAT)
and a campus fee of EUR 5,280 (plus VAT):

16 nights in a unique atmosphere incl. Breakfast
Catering during the training incl. Lunch and soft drinks
Networking in our lounge
At a possibly common learning evening incl. Dinner and soft drinks.
Supervision by the training manager during the learning evenings

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