The lecturers of the Rail Safety Campus
The instructors of the Rail Safety Campus have been working in railroad technology for at least 10 years and have special knowledge of functional safety. Thanks to their professional experience, they know how to convey the theoretical content to you in the way you need it in your everyday work. Not only will you gain the knowledge that is important to you, but you will learn how to apply it in your daily doing.
Prof. Dr. Raphael Pfaff
Lecturer for Module 1 “Basics”
Working in rail technology for 16 years
FH Aachen:
- Professor of rail vehicle technology at FH Aachen since 2014
- Teaching and research in the field of rail vehicles, in particular digitization and automation
Work Experience (Excerpt):
- Systems engineer at Siemens AG
- Head of design of the coupling area at Faiveley Transport Witten GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Lars Lange
Lecturer for Module 1 “Basics”, Module 2 “Homologation” and Module 5 “Practice
Work Experience (Excerpt):
- Active in railroad engineering and certification for 14 years
- Managing Director and Principal Consultant of InterEngineer GmbH
- Until 2018: Expert of a testing organization
Expertise (excerpt):
- Safety Management and Safety Engineering
- Functional safety (IEC 61508, EN 50126, 50128, 50129, 50657, 50159, ISO 13849, EN 62061, EN 61511, EN 50156)
- CSM-VO and V- Model
- Test Management
- Requirements Engineering & Requirements Capture
- Hazard and risk analysis
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Alexander Milosavljević
Lecturer for module 5 “Practice
Work Experience (Excerpt):
- Active in railroad technology for 24 years
- Managing Director, Chairman and Principal Consultant of InterEngineer GmbH
Expertise (excerpt):
- Safety Management, Safety Engineering
- Functional safety (IEC 61508, EN50159, 50126, 50128, 50129, 50657)
- System and process analysis (Rational, UML, SysML)
- Maintenance processes
- Documentation of complex systems/processes

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Günther Staudner
Lecturer for module “Common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment (CSM-RA)
Work Experience (Excerpt):
- Since 2019 drawing AsBo specializing in rolling stock for Arsenal Railway Certification GmbH
- Generally sworn and certified court expert (Austria) since 2016
- Engineering services for rail vehicles since 2000
- Managing Director of RAE Railway Applications Engineering e.U.
- 15 years of RAMS management at Siemens Mobility
Expertise (excerpt):
- Safety management, functional safety, system architecture & control technology
- Legal requirements EU and national requirements in the D-A-CH region (incl. local transport)
- Overview of standards and state of the art, member of the Austrian Standard Institute
- Driverless driving, driver assistance systems and AI for rail applications
- Side entry systems and platform screen doors
- Subway drivers without passenger transport (BOStrab, DE, dormant) – Procedures in driving operations
- Maintenance and TCO considerations for rail vehicles
Prof. Dr. Paweł Buczek
Lecturer for Module 4 “Measures & Techniques”
12 years of experience in railway technology
University of Applied Sciences Hamburg:
- Professor at HAW Hamburg since 2018
- Focus on the development and evaluation of safety-critical systems (hardware, software, operations, and system engineering)
Professional Experience (excerpt):
- RAMS and Systems Engineer at ICS AG and various clients in the railway sector
- System and Software Developer in the aerospace sector

Dennis Thiel M. Sc.
Lecturer for “Validation Engineer”
Professional experience (excerpt):
- Over 10 years in railroad engineering
- Managing Director of InterEngineer Switzerland GmbH
Expertise (excerpt):
- Safety management and safety engineering
- Functional safety (IEC 61508, EN50159, 50126, 50128, 50129, 50657)
- Validation