German and European conditions -
Review and approval process
2022 is drawing to a close – the planning of training content and dates for 2023 is in place. The Rail Safety Campus again offers plenty of training! In these weeks we will introduce the new modules one by one. This time:

German and European conditions – assessment and approval process
The 2-day training provides comprehensive knowledge of the assessment and approval process in Germany and other European countries – in accordance with the fourth railroad package and European directives.
The individual technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs) define which properties the subsystems of the railroads must have in order to obtain a rail transport system in Europe that can be used throughout. Common safety methods for evaluating and assessing risks (CSM) and the Safety Instrumented Response Force (SIRF) also play an important role.
In addition, this Rail Safety Campus training course discusses in detail essential German laws in the railroad sector such as the AEG and EBO as well as the Commissioning Authorization Ordinance (EIGV).
Ideal for employees in the requirements management and approval process!
About the menu link “Booking” you can get a written offer, which you please sign and send back to as a booking.
You already want the complete overview of the 2023 training courses and dates of the Rail Safety Campus? You can find all new dates here.
Questions? Feel free to contact us at