Validation Engineer abgeschlossen
Training courses at the Rail Safety Campus

1. qualification module Validation Engineer completed

Happy faces: The first Rail Safety Campus training course for the newly created Validation Engineer qualification was quickly fully booked. It took place from 27.2.-3.3.23 in an exceptionally beautiful ambience in Kollmar – and the consistently positive feedback from the participants pleased and confirmed the training team.

The six participants (three men, three women), who are professionally active in the fields of infrastructure and vehicle manufacturing and some of whom had quite little, some in-depth expertise, learned about the requirements of the updated EN 50126 and the associated greater emphasis on validation, and were enabled to prepare a complete validation plan and report.

The practical implementation of what was learned took place in the Rail Safety Campus laboratory on the door model of a local transport vehicle with a Selectron safety computer. At the end of the training, the participants took the exam.

Interested? The next training date is from 20 to 24.11.23 – more info and booking options here.

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Bildung meets Industrie, Betrieb und Begutachtung: Rail Safety Campus bildet Beirat in namhafter Besetzung